The world is not cold.

Growing up, everyone is told like a million times that the world is grim. It’s cold. Each and everyone is greedy, egotistical, mean and much more. You cannot ( are not supposed to)trust anyone but you. I was told likewise. When I refused to believe. They told that you will come to know this thing when you have more experience.
As my judgment was distinctive, I started finding people who share the same judgment. I came to know about the story of two people. John and Ryan.
John and Ryan had a very different relationship. They were friends at the same time John was a student and Ryan was a mentor. John was much younger than Ryan. Initially learning from each other was very fun for them. They always cared about each other.
One day Ryan decided to work on the weakness of John. John was an HSP( Highly Sensitive Person. This state is known to come hereditary.) He didn’t acknowledge it as a weakness.

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Photo by Pixabay on

He just burst out of tears whenever he was angry, confused or hurt. Even arguing made him cry. Tears were just ready to flow out of his tears. It was natural for him. He had absolutely no control over it. He didn’t consider himself weak because of HSP nature. He considered himself to be able to feel the depths of human emotions. He kinda liked it. But nobody knew that he was an HSP. It was his secret, he never intended to tell anyone.
So thinking John was fragile, Ryan decided to make him emotionally stronger. Whenever he taught something to John he was way too harsh on that criticism. He was using horrible and mean words even sharper than arrows. Ryan thought if he would practice becoming harsher than the world out there, John will not have any difficulty adapting to the world out there.
John noticed it. But due to his HSP nature, he was extensively being hurt. It was like he had new wounds every day before he could cover his old ones. He started following “tit for tat” and started responding in an abrupt way. Ryan though his plan is working. But it wasn’t true. He was broke on the inner side of his body. Since John was a teen and Ryan was older than him, John pitied himself believing that world is really a harsh place. He gave up on his assumption, that the world is good. Even after he realized that Ryan continued to behave that consistently. Ryan was happy more than sad. Because he believed that John is on the right path.
After a few years, when John got to know the world, absolutely. He was 10 feet away from every person. He could not just let someone in. But then he met people. He couldn’t stop seeing the actual good there is in people. Those people resurrected his faith in the world. He was reaffirmed by real experiences. He came to know that nobody is bad. It’s just the situation that makes a person look bad. He thought over the same thing that why Ryan was portraying himself bad? He though it for weeks. He couldn’t find the answer. He was going to ask Ryan himself. So he went over his house. Sadly, at the same time, Ryan was dealing with some family stress. He was frustrated. John recognized that. He forced him to tell everything that was going on. Let me portray that conversation.
J- What is it? Is it work, family? Did you screw up?
R- NO! no. The only problem is I…I didn’t screw up.
J- What?
R- I am a perfect husband, son, employee. Nobody is mad at me.
J- So why are you so mad at yourself?
R- Because I am done.
J- For what?
R- I am done being the person everyone likes. I just wished so much for everyone. I just wanted to help everyone and I did. I did but I got so carried away that I am not a single person anymore. I am heartless, and inspiration as a manager. I am the most romantic person alive as a husband. I am the best son to be. I am everything I was supposed to be. But something feels terribly wrong. I..I…
J- The reason you have that feeling is that you don’t know anymore who you are. You are everything but not Ryan. Back from the time when changed. That one day you made me believe that the world is harsh.
R- I don’t know what are you talking about.
J- But you changed me today, again. You showed me that how good can a person be. How a being can be so selfless. I believe strongly now that the world is not a grim. Its joy and much more than it. We just have to choose what to see.
Ryan was stumped. John left. Those were his last words before leaving Ryans house.
I don’t know what happened next. But I learned a very important lesson. You cannot be strong by just being cold, ruthless or even emotionless. There is another way to be strong. By having faith in people. By believing that the goodness in people will prevail. This story reaffirmed my faith. My judgment made me let people in. I choose to hope for good instead of being afraid of the bad. Because I know that “bad” comes conditionally. Its always up to you whether you judge people by their best or curse them for their worst. Just use the proper pair of eyes to see how much good is there inside the world. Bad can never exceed over good.

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Photo by Prince Photos on

It is destined that Good always triumphs over bad. Hope was, is and always will be stronger than fear.

Top 10 productivity tips in your everyday life.

Ever wondered is there any way to change your daily tiresome routine into something jubilant? Don’t worry we got you covered. Here at Prolohy, we are listing out top 10 productivity tips to boost out your life.

1)Drink water

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Photo by Public Domain Pictures on

You probably know how much our body is dependent of water. Science says its better to drink at least 4-5 liters of water a day. Why? Let us see:

1. Our body is made up of 70% of water. So it is obvious that it needs water to keep it intact!

2. Drinking more water boosts your metabolism.

3. It helps in the regulation of various processes.

4. It powers up your brain. It will help you to perform various challenging tasks, more easily.

5. It will help you to stay fresh all the time.

6. It helps you to reduce anxiety and stress.

7. Your body will stay hydrated all the time.

and many more!

Now, here’s the best way to experience the effects of drinking water:

Start your day by drinking 1-2 cups of lukewarm water before you even brush your teeth. If possible you may add lemon extract to it. It’s a great trick, and it keeps you energized the whole day.

2. Work for long hours? Try this!

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In accord with various studies that are conducted, it is proven that working for long hours without any halts can be unproductive for some people. Since here at Prolophy, we talk only about productive things lets see how you can improve on that.

Work in sessions. Make your one session is around 45mins to 2 hours or even more if and only if you are comfortable with it. then take a break of hardly 20 minutes. Try to minimize the duration in accordance with your session time. Well . in that break time meditate at least for 3 minutes. or even more, if you like it. If you are in the office just take a few deep breaths then take the half amount of very short breaths and keep doing this cycle 3 times. It can power you up all day long.

3. Utilize the free time.

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We have a lot of free time in a day. It is completely okay for you to do whatever you want in that break time, but when you have to kill your time like when stranded in traffic(provided you travel by bus or have a driver)

or waiting in a long queue, you can utilize your time. It’s time for your smartphone to prove how smart it actually is.

In this new era, we have the world at our fingertips. Anyone can do anything, learn almost everything. So here are some few tips, to really start being productive.

1.duolingo- The free yet by far the best language learning app. You can learn any language by just giving 15 mins of your daily time.

2. English-There is a wide range of English vocabulary builder apps to get that lost grip on your fantastic English! Go use that time!

3.Wikihow- This is a great website where you can learn anything you want. In addition, your learning helps wiki how to help poor people all over the world. Just click that

“Yes, I read this article”

button at the bottom of your page.

4. Meditate.

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Photo by Pixabay on

Meditation not only helps you to relax but more importantly, it relaxes your mind. It helps brain muscles to relax. It boosts your brain cells. Instantly removes all of those clingy negative thoughts. It is really worth to give some time to meditate. There are various cool apps like calm and headspace to help you meditate. Try them.

5. Read.

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Photo by Wendy van Zyl on

Reading books is one of the efficient ways to improve your knowledge, personality, behavior, perspective and everything that comes in between.

When you are reading books you are doing productive things that are tried by millions of people and they were successful in that. So grab that book and read!


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Photo by Burst on

This is a very crucial habit to have. We have so many things around us. These things have different perspectives. Try learning from every situation. Whatever it may be. LEARN! If you make the habit of learning once you are intaking so much beautiful and different things at every moment. Just keep trying until it becomes a habit.

7. Make a to-do list.

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It is great to start your day by knowing what to do. When you create a to-do list, you have a clear vision of what to do. It helps you to stay organized. You get onto goals one by one. It helps you feel more productive, as you get the tasks done one by one. So in this way you start your day by feeling productive and every moment you feel more and more productive.

8.Practice thinking optimistic.

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Photo by Bekka Mongeau on

You know sometimes we don’t feel any positive. Those negative emotions flood your mind. They can affect your subconscious and they hold you back in very important series of events. You definitely don’t want that. Try being optimistic about that. Try visualizing that life of your dreams. Those luxuries those accomplishments everything.

9.Embrace criticism

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Photo by Startup Stock Photos on

I am sure that not everyone you have ever met in your life knows you the best. And that’s why they might want to criticize you. But you know what, they are just helping you. You will clearly learn your mistakes. And if you embrace those things, you will definitely rise above yourself. Just think about it you have found a whole new weakness in you. And that golden person has given you the chance to improve upon it. Learn how to learn from criticism

10. Take a good amount of sleep

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Photo by Pixabay on

I saved the best for the last! It’s true. When you sleep your mind and body are completely relaxed. They reach the most comfortable state they can. And that’s why you will be energized if you get a good amount of sleep. So that your brain can arrange your body for the next work you have to do. But that doesn’t mean you get to sleep all day. Of course not. You will be lazy from productive in a single bound.

These are some great tips. If you have a question or suggestions please let me know in the comments.

Have a good day/night/evening! 🙂

Dream, Just dream!

Aim for the moon. If you miss, you will definitely hit the stars.

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Photo by Pixabay on

We all have heard the famous quote. But have you practically used it?

We all have our own individual dreams. We seek particular things and experiences. But predominantly, we all wanna be successful. Now, the road to success isn’t easy, as we all know it. Is more demanding than any other thing. You need a large tank of fuel to drive on these long and rocky journeys. Which is definitely your dreams and aspirations.

Let’s consider your journey as a road trip from the place you are right now to who you wanna be, the things you wanna accomplish. In this journey, there are uphills, tough to climb. Yet providing alluring insights into life at their peaks. There are likewise low, deep downfalls. Where you may break down, only to rise up. You have the people accompanying you on your road trip, including lovers, admirers, and haters.

The aftereffect of this journey depends upon the above factors, conjointly on the paths pegged by you. The number and duration of halts you take, and speed of your progress.

Aiming for the universe- Dreaming biggest!

We all have different aspirations. Maybe you are aiming to become a great entrepreneur. Maybe your best friend wants to become an agent and your life partner wants to literally touch the stars,i.e to become an astronaut. But ask yourself one question that, is it really enough? or is it really the best you can do?

Dreaming fuels you, that’s true. But dreaming bigger even than your imagination inspires you. It drives you. You become focused. The obstacles seem undisclosable to you, objectively speaking.

If your dreams are heftier than people around you, then your actions would be much more different, productive and exceptional. Because you are dreaming exceptions, that no one other could. Again, it doesn’t make you any superior to those around you. because your competition is not in your neighborhood. It’s not even with the world. It’s with yourself.

The limit is not the sky, not the universe. There are no limits. It’s limitless.

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Photo by Jan Kroon on

Action plan

Now, just dreaming and making up all the scenarios when you will be successful, isn’t gonna cut the cake! You have to take those demanding actions. You must be willing to thrive for your dream. Give your focus, energies, everything towards your dream. Because its the only thing you wanna achieve then why not do it in the best way we can? Since your dreams are extraordinary now, so should be your actions. For long-haul dreams, start doing the small things very crucial towards your dream, right now. Paint the bigger picture. Work through it.

See, its really important that your actions are pointing in Ithe same directions as your dreams.  You don’t want to just do hard work in the wrong direction. Be a hotshot and an adroit.


What’s the use if you don’t believe in what you are doing, where do you think its gonna lead you?  Belief is a key quality to achieve your dreams. All the great people in the world didn’t know how they were gonna do it. But they believed strongly that they were gonna achieve it. They just knew that. The question is, do you?

If you are not considering what you are doing as fruitful, you are not only just wasting your time but also literally insulting your dream. I am sorry but such dreams are never accomplished. Believe in yourself. Believe in your actions.

Facing the results

It was a perfect day. I had prepared for this moment for forever. I did everything perfectly. Still, I failed. That was just misluck.

If you ever did think like that, I am there to say right into your face that it was not. Its never ever a misfortune or devils own luck. Whatever happens with you is a consequence of what action you take, and what you think. Trust me, the law of attraction is there. It’s not gonna disappear just because you don’t find it useful.

So if you fail it’s your fault. Trivial maybe, but it is. There was just something inadequate in your path. Detect it. Correct it. Revamp your method. Try again. Failure is nothing if you stand up proudly to face the music. It takes time. But if anybody can complete your exceptional dreams, it is you.

When you finally achieve what you want, it will be new, shiny jubilant and much much more. You think you will finally be satisfied with your life and will rest for the rest of your life? No, you won’t. you have experienced one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. Your mind wants more of it. You won’t stop. You will keep achieving those medals, certificates, etc.

So this is it! Make yourself mindful, and start your journey from right now. Accomplish those things out there waiting for you. GO, GO, GO!




Declutter: proven ways to declutter your mind.

What is decluttering?

The human brain is still undiscovered for the most of its part. While we don’t know much of its complexities, we do sometimes have some complex things going on in there. These things weave themselves into one another to create utter chaos. At such times our mind gets filled with a lot of things which it shouldn’t have. Its such times we need to declutter our mind.


When our mind gets cluttered, it has several bad effects. These start small, but if they are not properly taken care of they can potentially grow and trouble you. They cause various effects like lack of decisive capacity,low-temper, degradation of performance in every aspect of your self and much more things. which is why it is something probably should be taken care of.

The cause- Identifying the problem.

Research says that we think about 60k thoughts a day. Every person thinks differently. That’s why there are different causes for everyone to feel the need to declutter his/hers mind.

Stress due to negativity

We have our own low times. Its okay to feel sad or disappointed. but if these emotions are allowed to have space in our mind they create havoc and causes stress triggers. These emotions can be due to various states like depression, anxiety, fear and many more.


Of course! We work in different circumstances and more importantly, we have different kinds of yelly bosses. It is completely natural to feel stressed while working which is also the reason why it is important to stay away from stress as much as possible.

Self- doubt

Often we come across various ideas and beliefs. These may be in contrast with what you already believe in. This causes you to question your own beliefs. That’s why you need to clear on the inside.

Following are some proven most effective to declutter your mind-


Since your mind is greatly unorganized, let’s start making your schedule(including your thought processes)by keeping track of them. Journals are a great way to keep track of your emotions, schedule and everything that comes in between. There are various techniques you can use right from now

Grattitude log

To overcome your anxiety you may create a gratitude log to keep track of the beautiful things and relations and emotions and everything that you have. Read those every single day and add new items to your list every day. They will tremendously help you in keeping yourself optimistic as you notice only whats god inside of you.


This is a 20 minutes exercise to get yourself to know what exactly are you thinking by getting it on paper.

Set the timer of 20 minutes. Take a deep breath and start thinking for like 30 seconds. just after 30 seconds start writing thoughts you are thinking at that particular moment. Start at 00:30 to 20:00 without a break. Just do it. This is a great way to identify your trigger points and deal with them more clearly.


Human relations are the most amazing things in the world. They can heal any type of wounds in the heart. No matter how deep they are. That’s why sharing with your loved ones what you are feeling will help you declutter a lot. It’s not silly or even cheesy to share things.  According to the research interviews conducted by me it proved to be 71% more effective when done right away. So find the people where you can share your emotions.

You can also use various online platforms for this. And don’t forget, my email Id has its doors always open for you.

Love is the strongest positive emotion.


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Photo by Helena Lopes on

Physical decluttering

As you want to declutter your mind, your vision should also be clean. Just clean your workspace, your room. As your eyes perceive everything as organized it will help your mind to let unwanted things go this method has proven 90% effective. Because-

Your mind percieves what it sees.

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Photo by Skitterphoto on

Media Intake

There are 7 billion people out there! Everyone thinks differently. Everyone has their own principles, values and even sense of humor. when we continuously watch those different series, those different articles(including this one!) There will be much clutter inside your mind. you will have a tough time making decisions because there is a lack of root principles. So to avoid that, stop watching TV, Netflix and whatever you do which has the potential to make your mind chaos.

Zone out

Go out for a walk, not just because you want to take your dog for one but because you need to. Just go out there and observe the things around you, preferably try to not to listen to music. Just observe what’s going on. This will help you a lot to remove those unwanted and unimportant thoughts. It will free up some space in your mind.

You may want to do exercise while going out for a walk. It is proven to double the effectiveness of the method.

Zone in

If for some reason you are not able to go out, then don’t worry we got you covered. You can stay home and declutter your mind with triple the effectiveness. You can meditate. Don’t try to skip this one! I repeat don’t scroll down! Meditating is nothing but breathing. You may breathe any way you please. Just take deep breaths for a little while. If you don’t want to do meditation fine! Just breathe!


Do nothing at all! Probably the best way! Just take a break. Do nothing. Just look at the sunset or just sleep or – go through- no, don’t do that. In fact, don’t do anything. Just relax! Because sometimes,

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Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán on

When comfort is not enough.

Yubing Zhang an ambitious woman, was standing on the worlds largest bungee jumping platform. She was just a few seconds away before the jump. And she realized that her mind was telling her, “you can’t do this.” The operator tied the cord to her ankle. she could feel the weight of the rope as the operator throws the slack in the air.she was standing on the edge of the platform trying to balance herself against the wind. A moment later, she turned back and told the operator that she wants to quit. that she couldn’t do it. Right when she turned away from the platform, she read a quote that was right on the glass in front of her. It read,

Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.

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Photo by Abhiram Prakash on

She turned right back and jumped from the platform.
And what did she find? She found that this is the beauty she was wanting to see. this is the beauty she was wanting to experience. This is something she wanted for a long time, but her fear was keeping her from taking the jump. and when she took the jump she realized that it was not as scary as it looked.
We all want to pursue our passions. We all want to do that one thing that we’ve always wanted to do. We all want to go out there and take that experience. But our fear holds us back. You want to start that business startup. But you are afraid to give up everything that you have for a dream with uncertainty. You want to go out and sing but you are afraid what if it doesn’t work out the way you want it to. You want to be with that person for all of your life, but you are afraid to confess it. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of so many different things is holding us back. Because fear is what confines you in your comfort zone.
And when you try to push this comfort zone, it pushes you back. It stops you from doing the things you are so passionate for.
We all are scared of different things. And it is okay to be scared. But how to overcome this? How to get out of this comfort zone? How to work beyond this comfort zone?
You may be afraid, but it’s these moments where you have to find the courage to stand up. To jump from the edge of your comfort zone to discover the excitement, amazingness, and fascination in life that awaits you. It’s these times, where you have to know that you can live the life of your dreams. This fear is a human emotion. But isn’t it also human to rise above your weaknesses and fears? Isn’t it also human to be your own hero?
Yes, it is. You can do everything and anything you want to without being afraid. Go out there and do it. You will find that

It is not as scary as it looks.

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Photo by Pixabay on


Be the person you always wanted to be. Forget those limits, reasons that are holding you back. You can break through all of them. You can live fearless, limitless. I can’t guarantee your success or failure. But I can guarantee that when you go fearless, you will discover new limits. You will have pushed yourself beyond your comfort zone. You will start finding new lines to cross. New fears to overcome.Until,

You become comfortable with the uncomfortable.

And you know what the surprising thing is? You won’t stop even when you get everything you wanted. Because now you are living the life of your dreams and you wouldn’t stop living this life of your dreams!!

Why competing with yourself is more important than competing with others?

Earlier, when I learned about Prolophy(Productive-Philosophy) behind the statement about competing with yourself, I spent most of my time comparing myself with the people around me. I compared myself in terms of everything. It was looks, talent, skills, attitude, everything that makes a human. Result? I guess we both (reader and writer that is you and me!) how it turned out to be… Well, it didn’t turn out to be well. It was like torturing myself for the way I am. Which was a somewhat painful process.

So I did some digging, tried to find out the solution to this problem. Out of many substantiated answers, there was one which stumped me.

Compete with nobody,but yourself.

At first, it seemed like obvious and lame to me! I mean this is a big world! There are like 7 billion people out there! But when I thought it more mindfully and practiced it regularly, it turned out to be one of the most thrilling experiences I have ever had. I found many benefits of practicing this statement. That’s what I am gonna talk about today.

  • You get to know yourself.

Sometimes for people like me knowing what you love, who you are, what you want might not be a simple process. I can tell this from my own experience. I was so into being envious of other people that I didn’t know who I was.

But when I started working through this one sentence, when I started competing with myself, I came to know what I like, what I don’t, where can I spend more hours, and where I won’t spend my spare second and everything that lies between. It just changed the way I look at things. I gained a new and fascinating perspective. I gained a new very positive outlook on people.

  • The competition never ends.

Some people may find it equally frustrating as I first did. I mean going on a race without an end? How stupid is that!? But you will know as I did it’s more amazing that you would’ve thought, literally. Its exciting, thrilling and much more that awaits you. How?

because you are constantly on a learning curve. You are improving yourself every moment. Every second you are being a better version of yourself. No matter how much you practice a particular thing there will always be the room of improvement for you. It’s not tiresome! It’s exhilarating!

  • You may find your calling.

Yes, it is possible. Like I have already stated you get to know more of yourself. You rediscover yourself. While going through all the pile of things you want to do you may find that there’s one thing at which you don’t wanna stop. You just wanna grow in the particular area. You just wanna take leaps and break the limits. Then find new limits and break them again. This could be your calling.

Now don’t get me wrong. This is a ‘MAY’- type advantage. You may not find your calling. Maybe you are a multipotentialate! This is one of your extra perks.

  • You accept yourself as who you are.

Yes! no more comparisons. You accept yourself as who you are, genuinely. You get to know where you stand and are willing to improve in every possible area you can. That means you are not uncomfortable with yourself anymore. Even if you are you know for sure that it is not gonna last for a long time.

  • You are insanely productive!

This is one of the perks you might be wanting to get all along. You are doing everything you’ve ever wanted to and guess what, it’s making you more productive than you ever was. This time you are not holding back because you were busy with some other work, but this time you are doing all the things! There no one for you to hold your standard to except you! You trust yourself, and that’s why you move fast and happy!

Of course, these are from the people I have observed and Some things are my own experience. You may have some more powerful or less powerful experiences or this may not be you know just your thing. But I strongly believe that the statement,

Compete with noone but yourself.

has a lot more potential than I have harnessed. So please feel free to share your own experiences and suggestions in the comments section, because you are helping all the people who are gonna read this article by doing that.

Have a good day/night!



When things look the bleakest…..

A friend of mine was very passionate about a particular type of work he wanted to get done. He was so dedicated and gave his best(at least he thought he did) but in the end, he failed to achieve what he was wanting to achieve. He broke apart, froze. Went from Mr.sunshine to who knows what. When I talked to him he told me about how he felt. At first, he refused to talk about it. He said it made no sense. But when I forced my way into his mind, I discovered he has completely lost hope. He had no expectations of him or anyone or anything. He was just watching at the things in front of him, feeling empty.

Well, his parents saw treatments for him and he was cured. So his concerns are not our concerns now. But, why did this happen? Did he really give his best? Or was his mind painting an illusion for him?

I don’t know the answer. But we have to take care that it doesn’t happen to us. Again, it might not be possible for some people to be hopeful and happy all the time. We all have our moments. So we must the know the way to come out of it.

When things like this happen we lose hope. We see all the roads dark and rocky. We trap ourselves into some boundaries. Not even able to dream of an escape. At such time we feel fearful, painful, hurting and even hopeless and so on.

Accept it. Everybody is afraid. It’s you, me and the also the person who has it all. But somebody of us has to stand up. Find the courage even when you feel there is none. Fight those feelings, even if you don’t want to. Because these feelings live on our fears. Just ask yourself, what would you do if you were not afraid? what would you do at this very moment, if you know there isn’t any fear inside you? You will get your answer. You will know the fact that what are you supposed to do to lead to that life where you was happy and joyful and many different things.

When you break this barrier, these limits, these barricades you will know that they weren’t there. Only the fear, hopelessness and those other negative feelings kept you from doing what you were supposed to do. That’s when you learn what went wrong, and why did it happen. Now you don’t question anything because everything is clear to you. and you know where to go and what to do. That’s when you know that the things aren’t hopeless. And hope can’t win over fear.

It turns out to be that all the negative feelings aren’t as much negative. Because they help you to emerge yourself into a more positive version of yourself.

Next time, when things look the bleakest, ask yourself “what would I do if there was no fear?”.And always remember that

HOPE is far far stronger than FEAR.